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Legislative Help - Letter Writing

While we welcome your positive experiences, what follows is an example of the paper shuffle that happened to John Murtari.

dom1.JPG (10971 bytes)You may follow the paper trail below. In my letters I really ask them to investigate what happened. That the process itself, e.g. making an appeal, filing a grievance -- did not appear to work as it should. None of legislative folks really did investigate. Do I blame them -- well maybe I (or you) wouldn't do any different?  They must get very many requests. Clearly it would take one of their staff members at least 8 hours to review something like this, and they have very busy schedules.   Our job is to let them know how important this is! 

Summer 96 - Submitted a two page complaint (page1, page2) regarding a Psychologist who had submitted a very damaging report about me -- without every having met me.  She did receive a Letter of Reprimand from the local Association; however, she had already testified at Trial.

April 97 - Submitted a letter, along with extensive documentation regarding alleged misconduct by the Trial Judge and Law Guardian.

June 98submitted a grievance against the attorney's for factual misrepresentations made during the Trail and the Appeal. This was made through the "offical" channels provided for in New York State Law. In a most surprising letter, got a response that even if all the allegations were true, it would not be misconduct! No need for an investigation.

Divorce Source Documents - Click here to see raw listing of files written to the Judge (JUDGE), the Law Guardian (LUPIA) and to the Court Appointed Psychologist (BLACK).  There are also motions and show cause orders that start with A_ or S_.  This can be depressing as read in order and you see how a parent feels when "caught in the system".

6 August 98 - Wrote a letter to Gov. Pataki, Speaker Silver, Majority Leader Bragman (from the local area) and State Senator DeFrancesco to investigate what has happened here. Also wrote to my local Bishop asking for support and help.

  • Majority Leader Bragman - got the first response from his office. Within a week I was called by an aid, and was able to talk to a legislative assistant. They simple forwarded my request to an office for Judicial Administration and I got the following:
  • Assembly Leader Silver - got his reply fairly late. Appears to be a form letter.
  • Governor Pataki - did not get a direct reply, just the same letter as above.
  • Bishop Moynihan - was also quick to respond, got a thoughtful two page reply: page one, page two.
  • Senator DeFrancesco - slow to reply, and least responsive. His letter.
  • Attorney General Vacco - last to reply, in December, but got a personal letter from a staff member: page one, page two.

15 Feb 99 - Tried one last time, wrote a letter to Chief Judge Dolores Denman of New York States Appellate Division, 4th Department.  Got the following reply - a very disappointing "form" response.

Summer 1999 - Have had disastrous problems with a high child support level.  Look for details and letters here.

Winter 1999 - Wrote another letter to the Governor asking for an inquiry.