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ANCPR calls for letter writing campaign in support of John Murtari

Hello to all,

John Murtari, a N.Y. Parents Rights Activist has been arrested in an act of
civil disobedience to protest the fact that the mother of his son was
allowed to move away to Boulder Colorado, effectively ending any kind of
meaningful relationship they could have had. Mr. Murtari has taken this
step in a bid to convince Legislative representatives in NY to convene
hearings into the way in which custody hearings are conducted. The text of
ANCPR's news release on John's arrest is reproduced below. Kids-view has
also issued the same press release to many outlets in N.Y.

As many of you know, the problems of N.Y. are shared by most other states.
We are asking that each of you contact the representatives listed below,
either by phone, email, regular mail, or fax, and demand that they
investigate the case of Mr. Murtari. Tell them that you will be waiting to
hear of any progress, and that you stand behind Mr. Murtari in his quest to
maintain a meaningful relationship with his own son. Please take the time
to do this as soon as possible. This man has made a considerable sacrifice
in the name of parents all across the nation who have had their children
stolen from them by an insensitive court system. This is an opportunity for
all of us to unite and make a difference. Please don't wait. Do it now.
All the contact information you need is listed below.

Wishing you all the best and I thank each of you who responds,

Lowell Jaks

Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)

Contact Information

Phone: (202) 224-4451
Fax: (202) 228-0406
464 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
District Office: New York
District Phone: 212-661-5150

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Contact Information

E-mail: No Public E-Mail Address*
*Note: Some Members without public e-mail do accept
messages from their web sites
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax: (202) 228-3027
229 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
District Office: New York
District Phone: 212-486-4430

Rep. James Walsh (R-NY-25th)

Contact Information

Phone: (202) 225-3701
Fax: (202) 225-4042
2351 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
District Office: Syracuse
District Phone: 315-423-5657

John is being held at the

Onondaga County Justice Center
555 South State Street
Syracuse, NY

Administration/Main: (315) 435-1717
Inmate Information: (315) 435-1770

A mailing address for is:
c/o Software Workshop, Inc.
55 East Genesee Street
Baldwinsville, Ny 13027

New York Parents Rights Activist to be arrested in Civil Disobedience Action

ANCPR Calls for letter writing campaign for investigation of his case

Syracuse, New York (Feb 19, 1999) –

Mr. John Murtari, a resident of Baldwinsville, NY and a native of Lyons,
NY, was arrested today by Onondaga County Sheriff's deputies at a local
Sheriff's substation. In a nonviolent act of Civil Disobedience, Mr.
Murtari, went to the substation (accompanied by a group of other parents
concerned with custody reform) and requested he be arrested as a "prisoner
of conscience". The arrest was made after he refused an order to leave the
substation. He (with the support of the group) took this action to protest
not only his specific treatment by the Family Law system in the State of New
York, but to also call attention nationwide to a frightening disregard for
the rights of parents and children in custody proceedings.

In support of Mr. Murtari, ANCPR has launched a letter writing campaign
directed to New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator Charles
Schumer, and Rep. James Walsh, calling for a Congressional investigation
into the issues raised by Mr. Murtari’s actions.

Mr. Murtari has refused bail or voluntary release, planning to remain
imprisoned, until some positive actions are taken by legislators. He would
like to see investigative and reform action at both the State and Federal
levels. He asks Assemblyman Michael Bragman (State Assembly Majority
Leader), State Senator John DeFrancesco, Congressman James Walsh, and US
Senator James Schumer to lead such action. He believes committee hearings
into custody proceedings would give shocking testimony from parents unjustly
deprived of meaningful contact with their children. The solution his group
recommends to this would involve giving the parent/child relationship the
same Constitutional protections offered most criminals -- the Jury.

He was the founder of a web site,, which is dedicated
to making positive changes to the system. The goal is recognition of the
right to regular parental contact with children. Anyone seeking to challenge
this would need to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt the parent was
unfit for contact. A high burden of proof. The web site highlights the
philosophy and experience of both Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King, two
great practitioners of Civil Disobedience, who both practiced a style which
involved respect and love for your opponent, while demonstrating your own
belief through personal nonviolent action. The site also documents personal
cases in a "Hall of Shame", and also shows Court actions taken.

After being involved in a custody dispute, and exercising his right to
appeal as far as the United States Supreme Court -- Murtari was devastated
and shocked by the rejection of all his legal attempts, the failure of
legislators to take effective action in response to his letters, and most
recently the relocation of his son, Domenic, to Boulder, Colorado. This
culminated in his recent arrest.

Murtari is a former Air Force Pilot and Cum Laude graduate of the Air
Force Academy. He has a Masters in Computer Science from Syracuse University
and is the president of the Software Workshop, a small Internet company he
founded in 1995. He has a long record of volunteer work with both the
elderly and homeless in the Syracuse area, along with involvement in local

For more information check the web site,